Thursday, May 29, 2008

Cars That Go Boom

the shit!

as the days fly bye...

livin La Puente.

walkin down an alley way
a man stopped me.
"you know there's no way out...they locked it up,
there's nothing down there..."
he shouted at me.
"oh, i was just goin for a walk,
thank you."
i replied.
"oh, ah ok i just wanted you to know."
he said, with a concerned/guilty look.
so, i kept walking
because now i felt it would of been weird
if i would of just turned around
when he said.
also, i was alone so i wanted him to think
i was familiar with the area.
which i was not.
cautiously continuing
i notice ahead a gate with spikes at the top
which was the
dead end of the alley way
and behind the bars
was an auto body shop...
chop choppin away!

yea, i wish...

Bette La ChaBelle!

fightin 7pm traffic back inta L.A...?

had ta stop and get an ice cream...

Scoops has vegan ice cream!

i got banana peanut butter & hazelnut...yum

the other day...

took Toobad and his cousin Peggy
for a walk around Silverlake.

doggy doo overflow...ew!

"for inspiration"

ELVIS!...of course

Wednesday, May 28, 2008




old photo of my Grandmother and her Sis Bette.

my mom showed me some old stuff i had wrote...
one, a letter to her asking for a pet iguana...
two, a poem i wrote when i was 7 when my great Grandpa passed away...

Trainee Cops have nothing better to do out in Westlake!

Crazy Sis...funny thing is...

she will still attempt ta stomp ya out in a
Nike Cortez and a Pink Slipper!

she is fucking comedy!

when me and Toobad are bored...we like to have staring contest.

Monday, May 26, 2008

before 12

i like to take flix of shoes that i like.
decided, if i ever go out again...?
i'm just gonna take pictures of shoes
no drinking
no smoking
no drugs
just shoes

the best car wash in all of Highland Parkay!

neighborhood art.

*-* = ok i'm ready.

•_• = uh i think you should lose the hat!

*-* = what!? the hat? if i lose the hat...then i'll be normal.

•_• = what's wrong with normal?

*-* = Normal...?...i'd kill myself if i was normal.

Friday, May 23, 2008


Gas prices jumped about 10 cents today...hurray!hallelujah!

on a lighter note...22nd annual UCLA Jazz & Reggae Festival this weekend!
probably won't go...but, indeed it is a good one...

also, congrats to our L.A. Berd Man! ! !


She Dreamed to Me

Words needed
from your display of expression.
space faded.
need to leave behind.
why didn't I?
asking me too.
deeply now more.

unwillingly entering enclosed pressure

today i noticed
on two different encounters

one of them
crawling up the wall of the bathroom
as i stared at it
i asked myself
should i kill it?
or should i just ignore it?

then i was sitting on the couch
and a tiny little bug
crawling across the paper
caught my eye
so tiny
smaller than an ant
and then it made me think of the first one

and then i thought
is this why we came back?
to nothing
forgetting for a few days was lovely

everything started to come back
the closer and closer we got

i'm sure we all felt the same.


we all played yatzee the other night
everyone really enjoyed it except me

they kept joking about it
just to antagonize me
it was pretty funny

then today
i opened the closet for dog food
and staring up at me was "yatzee"

i thought about burning it
then laughed.


last time to eat on the planet Earth...what would you choose???


Meal- french fry burrito
Drink- wiskey and a glass of water
Dessert- line of blow


Meal- Albacore sashimi fresh
Drink- whiskey and coke
Dessert- slice of tiramisu


Meal-Roscoes chicken and waffles
Drink- Chivas Regal whiskey on the rocks
Dessert- lemon meringue pie


Meal - chicken leg on top steak fries smothered in thin turkey gravy
Drink- 40oz highlife
Dessert- hot fudge cream puff/ Coney Island style

Haleys blog


Meal - kids t.v. dinner
Drink - budwiser
Dessert - green apple


Meal- mashed potato egg rolls/ spicy tuna on crunchy rice
Drink- triple patron chilled
Dessert- banana fritters w/caramel al a mode


Meal- cigarette
Drink- glass of Coppola red


Meal- Corrales breakfast burrito
Drink- mountain dew
Dessert- pancakes extra butter


Meal- dodger dog from Dodger Stadium
Drink- bottle of pink moet
Dessert- oreo milkshake extra chunky